Mid Year Newsletter
06 August 2024
Mid Year Newsletter

Hi, and welcome to our mid-year newsletter!
We hope you have been keeping warm during these recent colder days and nights.
Unfortunately, our online shop has closed down. If you require any products we don't stock in-store, please ask our Customer Care Team, who can order them for you. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause those who enjoyed using the online shop via our website.
Over the past six months, we've bid farewell to a couple of team members who have moved on to new adventures and welcomed two new members to our team. Lauren has joined our customer care team, with a Diploma in Animal Care and Behaviour and experience in the animal care industry. Izaan has joined our nursing team, with a Diploma in Veterinary Nursing and experience working in small animal clinics across Auckland for the past three years. Both are very friendly and keen to meet you and your pets, and are always carrying treats in their pockets!
This month we're celebrating two of our long-term chemotherapy patients, Holly Miller and Skye Aylott, who have completed their treatment and are now in remission and living their best lives! As is often the case, they've had minimal side effects, and both came through treatment with flying colours. Just look at how proud they are of themselves!
This coming Saturday, Dr. Steve and our practice manager and vet nurse, Kirsten, will be heading off to Niue with The Rock Vets. You may remember that Steve and Nurse Lea went last year, and they found it so rewarding that we decided to make it an annual trip. The Rock Vets Trust sends groups of vets and nurses several times a year, as Niue has no vet clinic on the island. While there, we spay and neuter as many dogs and cats as possible, and last year, they even performed a successful emergency amputation. We're hoping to see that lovely dog on our return in August.
Many of you attended our quiz night fundraiser a couple of months ago, which helped us raise enough to cover the costs of our flights, accommodation, and insurance. We'd like to extend a huge thank you for your support, and we'll keep you posted on our clinic Facebook page and provide a follow-up in our next newsletter as to how the trip goes this year! If you would like to donate towards our ongoing fundraising for this, the account number is 01-0277-0009390-01. We would love to make this an annual trip, and any extra funds will go directly to The Rock Vets, who send teams to Niue several times a year.
Thank you for your continued support, and keep warm out there!